108 Homam Samagri
Quick Overview
- Puja Items, Hindu puja Samagri and religious puja items online for conducting various puja and yagna for seeking blessings for good fortune, prosperity and success.
- 108 homam items mixed comes in a sealed packed.
- The composition comprises of pure and superior natural herbs and roots is an ideal product, which is widely used during several pujas, navratris and marriages.
- This pooja item / havan samagri is best use for ganapati homam, grehaprevesham, sudharshana homam, lakshmi pooja, navagreha pooja, ayushiya homam, miruthinjya homam, dhanvantri homam and boomi poojas.
- This is a box of 108 different homam items that are used for pujas during weddings and other special occasions.
- The best part of this product is that it does not have any artificial ingredients, but only pure natural herbs and roots that are meant to bring luck, prosperity, or success to someone's life.
- This is the perfect thing for Ganapati homams, Grehapreveshams, Sudarshana homams,Lakshmi poojas.
- Hindu puja samagri and religious puja items for conducting many different types of worship. The 108 homam items come in a sealed box.
- The product is made from pure and superior natural herbs and roots which can be used during several pujas, navratris, weddings, etc.
- This is the best product for Ganesha pooja, Grehaprevesham (Ganapati pooja), Sudarshana pooja (Sudarshana homam), Lakshmi Poojan (Lakshmi poojahomam or Lakshmi navagraha or Lakshmi Ayushiya Homam), Mirutha Homa.
- They can be used for Ganapati Homam, Grehaprevesham, Sudharshana Homam,Lakshmi pooja, Nava Graha Pooja, Ayushiya Homam, Miruthinjya Homam, Dhanvantri Homam and Boomi Poojas.
- These Pooja with the desired offerings to the holy fire will grant you wealth and prosperity. This kind of Pooja also gives you power to solve your money problems, blesses you with financial stability, and removes obstacles from your path.
- This can be used for daily puja purpose also.
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