Dog Mustard (raw) / Naai Kadugu
Quick Overview
- 100% natural.
- Store in dry place.
- Premium quality.
- The roots and seeds oil are useful in constipation, flatulence, abdominal colic.
- Roots are administered in worms.
- Naai kadugu / dog mustard (raw) is a small plant. It has long, stalked flowers at the top of the plant and the ends of branching stems. The leaves are deeply divided, oblong or widest near the tip in outline.
- The appearance of the Naai Kadugu / Dog Mustard (Raw) has yellow flowers. The leaves are oily. Sometimes people call this mustard gas a seed of goodwill.
- Botanical Name: Erucastrum gallicum
- English Name: Dog Mustard
- Tamil Name: nai kadugu
- Nai kadugu / dog mustard (raw) is a small plant with many yellow flowers. The leaves are long and divided. There is one or two fruit that looks like a smooth, slender, 4-sided pod.
- If you look at the flowers, there might not be much difference between the different types of mustard plants, but dog mustard has pale yellow flowers.
- The available product quantities are 250g, 500gm, 1000gm.
- Dog mustard is used to cure health problems.
- It can be used for asthma, nerves related problems, memory loss, varicose ulcers, coughs and headaches.
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